This past weekend we had a party for this guy in the picture. This is my second son Zac.The party was for two reasons. He graduated from High School and he is going into the Navy.
Now the fact that he graduated is huge. This boy blew off high school and I mean BIG time. He ditched more than attended sometimes, he failed a lot of classes. He went to 4 schools in 4 years. Then he decided to join the Navy.He got qualified for the job he wanted, the only problem was that he had graduate on time or he would lose the job they promised. So he did the normal 7 credits needed as a senior, plus 7 more he needed to fulfill requirements. He took online classes, got work credit and worked almost full time most of the year. And he DID it!
We are so proud of him.
Zac leaves for boot camp June 28th. This will be hard. He has always been a child with a mind of his own and no problem telling you. He is the only one of the 5 that we planned.He is also a hard worker when he wants and he is the one who helps his mama with everything. My oldest has left the nest but he lives in Denver , 4 hours away, so I get to see him about once a month and he calls us all the time. However the Navy is a little different isn't it?
We are hoping to go to Disneyland this Thanksgiving depending on Zac's schooling in the Navy. Cuz we can't go without one of the kids can we?
So I need to keep myself busy until he goes so I won't think about it