A place to show off all my projects especially Crazy Quilts............I am not crafty, simply a creative person with too many children, too many interests and too little time!.....................
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Boldly and Pinups
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hello All
I just received this in the mail from Jo in New Zealand. Isn't it beautiful? I think I will start one of those fancy corkboards to include all the things I get from swaps and RR from all over the world. Kinda of like a living art collage that will keep growing.
Jo had an ArtMEME on her blog a while ago. For those of you who don't know what that is. Here are the guidelines. When someone issues an Art MEME, they agree to give a piece of their art to the first five people who respond. In exchange those five people agree to put on their blogs, websites or groups that they are doing this challenge too and that they will in turn give a piece of art who respond to them and agree to pass on their work. (Does that make sense?)
I in turn offered my work in exchange. But I have had no takers, so here is your 3rd and Last chance to have an original piece of me . So leave a comment below and I will make up something for you. You need not be in the USA , I will ship anywhere
So this is what Jo sent. Her stitching is so dainty and I think the paisley is great. I have a fascination wit them myself. She did a great job. I have already written to thank her but I wanted all of you to see her beautiful work also. Please go check out her work on her blog. I have her in my links on the sidebar
Thank you JO
Pinup Quilt

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Back to My Roots

Hello All,
I've finished my Ugly Duckling block ( I think ) LOL . Janet says that it looks very Kansas. This block just screamed Country, so I went for it.
You see my family is so country it's scary, to a citified girl like me. My paternal Grandpa ,Harry ,was a moonshiner. He used to run moonshine in Kentucky, hiding his wares in watermelons. He later settled down, had 9 kids and became a barber in Cincinnati . His clients included members of the Big Red Machine in the 70's, yes he was responsible for Johnny Bench's haircut, but I hope to God not for Pete Rose's!
My Dad was in the Seminary to become a priest but he dropped out to join the Air Force. Then he met my Mother. She was brought up a Mennonite share farmer in Missouri and Nebraska.
When they married they compromised and became Lutheran and moved to the big city . (Columbus , Ohio and Denver, Colorado)
So you see doing a country theme on this simple for this Moonshine running, hillbilly, dirt busting, Mennonite, Catholic converted Lutheran city girl.
No wonder my husband says I have at least 2 personalities!!
I decided to embrace my inner orange and go for it. So there is ALOT of orange.Who says you can't have glass beads and crows on the same block.
I did cheat, the Rooster is an iron applique and the bumble bee and lady bug are store bought.
I am quite happy with how it turned out. Sometimes you just stop fighting the block and go with the flow.
I finally got " Janet's Fault" basted. This one should end up pretty good if I can translate what I have in my mind onto the quilt. I really like all the black in it.I am going for a very antique look on this one.I have very wide lace like edges done in ecru in mind for the fan edges. Carole Sample's Treasury of Crazy Quilt stitches has a lot of very nice borders in it that should look great here.
I have also heard that her publisher will no longer be printing her book, so if you want it you may have to work fast
I only have one more quilt lined up to piece. It is a 50's inspired pin up girl quilt for the hubby, to keep his tootsies warm in the basement watching movies on his big screen TV
Gotta go do some work
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Ugly Block Update

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Something New