Hello All
I am sorry it's been so long since I posted. We loaded the new Vista operating system to my computer. It runs great, however my new printer, scanner,copier which happens to be a HP and is less than 5 months old won't connect to the new operating system.HP decided not to make the neccesary software changes even though Microsoft sent them all they needed so new printers would be compatible. HP managed not to get it done on time like every other manufacturer. I guess that is why Microsoft is sueing them.
I have been working on some blocks I am doing for the CQfN Fairy Tale Round Robin.I have also finished one of my cell phone purses.
My camera is not taking very good pictures of my CQ stuff. It does great at anything else but not what I need it most for.
So I have posted a few pic. I apologize in advance for the poor quality
The first 2 pictures are of Gerry's block, The Ugly Daughter. I decided to do the fountain from the story. I was going to do some snakes and toads but I just don't do creepy crawlies well. I think the fountain turned out well .I used Watercolors thread for the fountain itself and for the water, then I added some silver beads to make the water sparkle. I also did the turquoise and black seam in the left corner. I beaded it with blue beads and pearls. It is meant to look kind of creepy yet compelling at the same time
The last 3 pics are of Rebecca's block. How the Raja's Son won the Princess Laban. I added the parrot, he is done in a heavy rayon thread. Next the black trim was added along with the turquoise and pink beaded seam treatment above it,The shiskas were added because the lavendar trim that Gerry had added was fraying.
I found an easier way to add the shiskas. I will let you know how that turns out.
All the other work on the block including the siggies were done by Gerry. I think she got it off to a great start. Now to send this off to Nancy. Then I have 2 more RR blocks to do before I can get back to the purses I am doing.