Hello All
I know it's been months since I've posted. I have never been this long in between posts before.I just haven't felt like it. Much like my baby here. Of course Nigel is a dog so he is entitled to act like this. I am told I am not.
Oh Well enough of that
For only the second time in 22 years I didn't sew any Halloween costumes. Though we did buy everything there was a lot of thought into them so I don't feel bad. It isn't like they came straight off a hanger at Wal Mart
This is Molly's idea of a neon Butterfly. She is so tall that with her wings on she had to duck down almost to her knees to get out the door
Meet Jack and Will
They are the epitome of kitten-ness
Now to prove I am not a complete slacker. I made this purse from a cigar box for #1 son's girlfriend. We share a love for the artist Josephine Wall so I knew she would like it
I'll leave you with this image and hopefully the next year I will have more energy
