I only have until July 17th to get this quilt done and I have struck a wall.
I don't know what to do next. I have this piece pictured in my mind as one continuous piece. BUT that doesn't necessarily translate into Crazy Quilting, unless you plan VERY carefully beforehand as you piece and embellish your blocks
As we have discussed before I am not much of a planner for my CQ. I like to go with the flow
After a discussion with the hubby, we have decided that I should treat each block on its own and then let it go where it wants
So ok I think I can do that
But first I have to do this. The sandcastle sent straight from you know where!!
Next I decided to do it all in small bullion knots so it would look more sand like. BIG MISTAKE!!! I have already put almost 15 hours into this and this is as far as I have gotten. Of course I didn't dye enough thread so I had to try to match it to the first batch ARRRGGGHHH!!!
Can I set this down and work on another block? NO I can't . That's how I am. I like to do my CQ in a logical manner ( oxymoron I know) (See above about going with the flow)
So maybe I will get this done in time but I don't think I will have time to get the border done I want on it. We shall see
Then as if thousands and thousands of knots weren't enough I decided to bead this for Lyn's UTS block. I call it a dolphin but everyone else sees it as a whale. So I guess we will leave it at that
Is it just me or am I a poor writer? When I was in school taking writing classes we were told not to use the same noun or pronoun repeatedly
BUT as a blogger, it is very difficult not to keep saying," I did this, I did that, I made this"
I ( see here it is again) find it very annoying myself especially when I ( again!!) keep doing it.
It is just difficult not to do when describing your own work
Any suggestions would be appreciated and please forgive me for atrocious writing style. Mr Kirch would be hitting me over the head if saw what I have been writing!!!!
Maybe I (!!!) will refer to myself in the third person. Lauri, Mrs Burgesser, Dennis' wife, Sam's Mom, Zac's Mom, Caleb's Mom, Molly's Mom, Katrina's Mom ..........Etc .
Lauri could go on forever with this, as she has lots of kids, pets ,nieces and nephews.
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