Hello All
Huh? How did that happen? Where did September go? No I haven't been on vacation or sick or even just been lazy.I've just been busy making things for a craft fair and keeping up on my RR obligations. I have done 4 blocks for RRs and about 3 dozen items for the fair.I will post on the craft stuff when I get some pieces actually sewn together.
Here is just a small look at what I have been doing. Sorry about the fuzziness of the pics.
First up, Leslie's block for Beaded RR on CQI
First up, Leslie's block for Beaded RR on CQI

I have done featherstitch in green beads with flowers done in peach and yellow, on the edge of the yellow patch.
Next an alternating chain treatment done in light pink and a dark mauve on the olive green patch
Next an alternating chain treatment done in light pink and a dark mauve on the olive green patch
Then a half buttonhole wheel done with gold bugle beads, pink beads and pearls
Last but not least, I completely encrusted a butterfly I had dyed with beads.
I do love to work with beads but it can very time consuming. Probably the worst part though is certain little dachsie who has to sit in my lap as I sew. It isn't bad when I am only using thread, but when I have containers of beads sitting next to me? Not so good. I bet there are hundreds of beads embedded in the carpet under my sewing chair, we won't think of the ones IN the chair!
More pics and a MEME soon