I just haven't felt like sitting down to the computer to blog for a while. I didn't seem to have any coherent thoughts to put down.
The first two pictures are of Jaki's "Frogs Bring Rain" for the Fairy tale RR. As I said this block was pretty darn empty.
Siw had done the crane in the corner. Nancy appliqued the frog, added the bead rain around it and did the seams on either side of that patch.Leona added the frog and pink bird buttons and the tiny fire.
So needless to say I couldn't leave it empty so I did all the rest you see. I am not real happy with how it turned out, but I ran out of Umph.
I hope Jaki likes it.
I am so glad this RR is almost over. It had been a real bear.. I haven't received the block back yet from this group and the other block is about 5 months behind. I just don't understand why people sign up for things if they really have no intention of doing it. I know life happens but my God, can't they at least put everything in a big box and send it back to the RR hostess so she can sort it out. I would be so upset if I kept others waiting that I would stay up days in a row to get things done.
Here is my block for Your Favorite Song RR. I picked "Stairway to Heaven". Not my favorite song, though I do like it good enough. It's for my husband, I plan to do 3 more Zeppelin themed blocks for him.
I had this block all pieced and pressed, then I made a mistake and went to the fabric store. There I found the fabric on the left side with the mountains and trees, so no stopping me I took the block apart and added it in. So now it is partially machine pieced and partly hand basted. I couldn't help it. The fabric screamed "rings of smoke through the trees'
This is my contribution before I sent it on it's way. I decided to do the May Queen, along with the hedgerow where the bustle occurs. As a bit of whimsy I added her broom which used to be the MayPole for her spring clean.
This should be an easy song to interpret as their are lots of images to pick from. Judi who I sent the block to, is planning to do the Piper. I can hardly wait for this one to get back.
Janet and I are going to be doing a Craft Fair the first week of November. I have a few things started but nothing finished so I guess I better get my behind into high gear and get some stuff made huh?
Gotta go, going to Janet's to plan our strategy so maybe we can actually make some money off this show