Thursday, December 14, 2006

Art MEME Re-challenge

Hello All
A while back I responded to Jo in NZ's art MEME challenge. This is where you agree that you will make and give to 5 people who respond to your challenge a piece of your artwork. No matter what that may be. In exchange they post it on their blog ( or I suppose you could put it out some other way) and do the same for 5 other people. Kind of a pay it forward dealie. I didn't have any takers last time. In part I think because I didn't have a lot of people looking at my blog at that time and because almost everybody on the CQ groups were doing it too.
So if you are interested let me know. If you have already agreed to respond to someone else's MEME that's fine. Just show me where you have posted your challenge and I will include you. Hope to hear from ALL of you!!
Maybe this will give me some motivation to get going and do something!LOL


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